
Name of app: AtulyaGram

Team Members:

  • Rushikesh Yeole

  • Swarnika Singh

  • Aakanksha Suvarna

  • Aum Kulkarni

Problem Statement: Problem Statement 2- Community-Platform


  • We discussed the choice of the problem statement. We chose the second problem statement as it resonated with us and made us feel that we do something about it

  • We decided on our tech stack to create our community platform which consisted of ReactJS and Firebase

  • Being new to the web dev world we spent the majority of our time learning the stack and understanding how the web works

  • Despite our efforts, we weren't able to create a complete website due to debugging errors and spending time exploring the features of the tech stack


  • Discussion forums for the people to share their posts and ask questions

  • The website would also allow the users to view posts written in their language

Conclusion: The Hackathon was a great experience for all the team members and got to learn a lot during this time. We managed to build a community platform website but couldn't add all the features we planned to add.

JR21-White Hat Jrs-Video: White Hat Jrs Video